Sistem Transportasi Nasional
Sistem Transportasi Nasional (SISTRANAS)
Sistranas: a
system of transportation that is systematically organized consisting of road
transportation, rail transportation, river and lake transportation, ferry
transportation, sea transportation, air transportation and pipeline
transportation, each of which consists of facilities and infrastructure (except
pipes) which interact to form an effective and efficient transportation service
system, integrated and harmonious, develops dynamically.
The purpose of Sistranas is
the realization of effective transportation and efficient in supporting and
simultaneously mobilizing the dynamics of development, increasing human
mobility, goods and services, helping to create a national distribution pattern
steady and dynamic, and supports development region, and strengthen the
development of life community, nation, and state in order the realization of
the archipelago's insights and improving relationships international.
nEase, for example: long / wide road area
nAmount, for example calculated by density (number of vehicles / km)
nSafety, for example the number of victims / 10,000 vehicles Quality, for
example% of roads in good / medium condition
nAffordability: per passenger rate compared to income
nPublic expenses: annual costs or capital / population
n Utilization:
•truck-km average
nPhysical integration: buildings in transportation infrastructure in one
place, for example train stations, bus terminals and airports in one place
nSystem integration: it
does not need to be in one building, but there is a unity in its management,
for example in a travel schedule, ticket purchase, service network
nOne ticket for various modes / types of transport, even combined with
tickets for various activities (eg show tickets that can be used for
public transportation use) Transfer mode with an integrated schedule Route
networks that support each other
Sistranas Function
Support: Ship follows the trade Meet transportation needs Especially in densely populated areas, such as the Western Region of Indonesia
Support: Ship follows the trade Meet transportation needs Especially in densely populated areas, such as the Western Region of Indonesia
Drivers: Ship attracts
the trade Connecting isolated areas with developing regions, so as to develop
these isolated areas Especially in sparsely populated areas, such as Eastern
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